IFRC Disaster Law has launched four new online trainings, available in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
The first two modules are 30-minute courses on disaster law entitled An Introduction to International Disaster Response Law and Introduction to Disaster Preparedness and Response Law.
The third module on Strengthening the Auxiliary Role through Law and Policy is a 30-minute course based on the Auxiliary Guide.
Finally, a fourth 90-minute module on advocacy is entitled Getting Ready for Red Cross and Red Crescent Advocacy.
Phoebe Rahn, Australian Red Cross volunteer, gave the disaster law courses a five-star rating, and had this to say about the course on International Disaster Response Law: “Great content presented in a really engaging and interactive way. The language used is easy to understand and provides a comprehensive introduction to International Disaster Response Law.”
How to register
These new courses are featured on the Training page of the IFRC Disaster Law website, they are free of charge and open to the public - just sign up with an IFRC Learning Platform account.