Organization: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
Registration deadline: 15 Apr 2016
Starting date: 03 May 2016
Ending date: 04 May 2016
IFRC-Shelter Research Unit is presenting their annual conference hosted by German Red Cross in Berlin:
What does, could or should innovation mean for the Shelter sector, looking from the perspective of technically improving humanitarian shelters to assure quality and sustainability?
We propose presentations under three main sub-topics: "product innovations" show-casing new develoments of shelter solutions, related materials or Non food Items, "innovative practices and techniques" featuring mainly developments from the field and "innovative and innovation processes" exploring how to initiate or introduce innovations in field operations, how to change the way we are doing things.
We still accept proposals for papers/presentations until March 15th. Please contact us if you want to suggest a presentation, outlining the content and what is the innovative aspect.
Suppliers are also welcome to submit their ideas.Confirmation on submitted proposals will be given to the candidates by March 30th.
As always, we look to confirm an interesting mix of field experience, practical research and academic input.
How to register: